Dental Bridges

A reliable, affordable solution to tooth loss.

A series of changes can occur when teeth are missing. Teeth can drift into missing spaces which causes your bite to become uneven and vulnerable to fractures.

A common way to prevent this from occurring is through the use of a dental bridge. Dental bridges are an excellent way to replace missing teeth. A dental bridge is a non-removable appliance that spans the gap of a missing tooth or teeth and is supported by anchoring teeth at each end.

Dental bridge procedures require two to three appointments. During the first appointment, the abutment teeth are shaped to hold the crowns. After the teeth are prepped, an impression of the teeth are made and sent to our lab for the fixed bridge to be designed. Once the the fit is checked and ready, the crowns of the fixed bridge are permanently attached to the abutment teeth. Patients can resume their normal activities immediately after the procedure is fully completed.

With proper hygiene and care, dental bridges can last for many years and are highly durable.

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